GuaranTV 2023 Summer Release

June 22, 2023

Your Watch List Just Got Better

Guess what? We heard you loud and clear. You know that watchlist thing you love? Well, now it’s super duper easy-peasy to use and keep organized. Time to rejoice and binge-watch like never before! 🎉

Add To List

Adding movies and shows to your watchlist just got super easy-peasy. Dive in and pile up those must-watch goodies.

Organize Your Lists

Now you can stack lists within lists to organize all your favorites.

Movie Details Upgrade

Wanna know more about a movie or show? Well, you’re in luck. We’ve got all the juicy details you need right here.

Watch a Preview

Now, when you’re diving deep into all the nitty-gritty of a movie or show, you watch a sneak peek.

Actors Detail Page

Now you can dive into the cast list, then go deeper to explore each actor’s details and all the cool movies and shows they’ve been in.

Browse With Ease

One more thing…. Now, you can filter by streaming service. So, no more endless scrolling – just pick your fave and dive right in.